Tuesday 1 November 2016

There are 9 weeks and 6 days till the end of this term.  If you have completed your hours, it's never too early to get your Family Service Forms submitted:  Familyservice@ccsunited.ca

If you need some hours here are some great ways to volunteer before the end of the term:

Parish Bazaar: As many of you know, our children will be attending their outdoor ed camp in Sept 2017, at the beginning of their grade 7 year.  This fundraiser is also a great way to get your volunteer hours.  The poinsettias are sold in November and orders are picked up at Precious Blood’s Parish Bazaar. This year the bazaar will be held on Saturday, November 26th.

The poinsettia sales are very simple to organize. Lucia will  be coordinating the sales and is looking for several volunteers to help on

Friday, November 25th with sorting orders when the poinsettias are delivered (I will be notified that day of our delilver time)

Saturday, November 26th to sell poinsettia plants at the bazaar.  Shifts can be from 2-3 hours.  After the bazaar, return all unsold plants and orders to the school office. 

If you can volunteer, please contact me by email at luciaborkowski@gmail.com or by phone at 604-575-3123 as soon as possible

Playground Supervision:  Do you have a some free time before or after school a few days a week?  We are looking for before/after school and lunch supervisors, if you are interested please email:  Jacqueline Johnson - jacquelinejohnson10@gmail.com

Maintenance Hours:  Are you short Maintenance hours and can't always get to a workbee?  We need volunteers to help rake leaves and clean up the School/Parish Property.  If you can help please contact:  Maintenance@ccsunited.ca

If you have any questions please let me know.

Thank you,