Thursday, 2 June 2016

Helpers Needed for Fence Repair!

Volunteers Urgently Needed to help with Fence Repair this Saturday at the Work Bee.  Volunteering will count as Maintenance hours towards Term One of the 2016-2017 school year.  Volunteering is also a great way to be involved in our school and parish community.  Please come help our school!  See the message below from Grand Knight Matthew Klaponski:

CCS Families,
I have been arranging with men in the parish and school community to replace 9 panels of fencing on the parish property.  The supplies are being delivered at 8:15am this Saturday Morning.  

The professionals will be there but we need more men to hold panels so they can be drilled.  This is a Family Service Hours Day (AKA Work Bee Day) at CCS so you will be able to obtain your hours at this time.  Please respond.

Please email Matthew or the Family Service Coordinator to volunteer.