Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Volunteers Needed

Welcome Back to a new School Year and Term One of the Family Service Program.  Reminder that each family must complete a total of 20 hours, 3 of which must be Maintenance Hours, by December 31st.  You may count all volunteering between June 1st and December 31st, 2015 towards Term One.

The School Office is in need of volunteers who are available during the day on an on-call basis to help with various tasks in the office and classrooms.  If you would be available during the day please contact the school office or the Family Service Coordinator to have your name and phone number added to the list of on-call volunteers.  All hours spent helping in the office count towards your 20 Family Service Hours.

If you have any questions regarding the Family Service Program email familyservice@ccsunited.ca