Tuesday, 4 October 2016

There are 12 weeks and 3 days left till the end of the term....This seems like a long time, but why wait till the last minute to get your hours done.

Here are some current opportunities for Family Service hours:

Playground Supervision:  We are looking for before/after school and lunch supervisors, if you are interested please email:  Jacqueline Johnson - jacquelinejohnson10@gmail.com

Babysitting:  Walking with Purpose Bible study is in need of a babysitter on Thursday's 10am-12pm, if you are interested please contact:  Rocio - roccio.lopez.ch@gmail.com

HOT LUNCH COORDINATOR Coordination of the Hot Lunch Program begins in August and runs until June. Hot Lunch is held once a week at Wednesday lunchtimes. Volunteers may help with collating orders, preparing supplies to be delivered to classrooms, and handing out orders to students.

The parish needs volunteers for the Halloween weekend as security.
We will have security on site Sat. Oct 29, Sun. Oct. 30 and Mon. Oct. 31 from 6 PM to midnight. Parent volunteers can sign up at either the school or parish office.

As always if you have any questions, please let me know.
